Hey everyone I just wanted to post some pictures taken of my RV. In one of the pictures it looks like the RV is leaning. That is not true. That is the from the camera I think. Yes Bethany I got a new camera. LOL. Don’t you see why I am wanting to paint the inside and redo all the fabrics.
Ha! As I was looking at your pics, I was wondering "Who's camera did he borrow"!
Congrats on the new camera. And you're RV looks great!
And that deleted comment above was me. I forgot to sing in under me, not under Brent :)
Bethany, i had to post that thing about the camra so now that i have a camera but nuthing to take pics of. my sad boring life. LOL
I went with him the day he picked this up. I even towed it back to Matt's for him.
Though when I backed it up it was in the middle of the driveway.
Matt had fun trying to get it where it was when he took this picture.
It went everywhere but where he wanted it, but with his persistence he finally managed to get it where it is. Good Job, Matt
thank you stephen. Ya that is a pain in the but to back up.
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