Saturday, June 2, 2007

RV pick up.

Today was a great day. Well I went by my friends Stephen’s and picked him up. Then we all when to Ricks RV’s. I had to make my last RV payment and get the hitch. When I got there, they were able to get my Van in right away to put of the hitch. That took about an hour. But when they were doing that, I looked the one I was buying, and looking for the parts that I need. When they were done with the work I had to sign all the paperwork. When buying an RV there is too much paper work. Before I left they gave me 2 LP gas tanks and then I tried all the key and they did not work. So they when through, and changed the locks. They did that for free. So after all I was there for about 4hours. When we got home it took my friends Stephen to back it in. I could not do it.
Then we took my storage trailer and packed it at the church. After that Stephen and I when and got the parts for his bike. So we spent about an hour working on that. Then we came home and started to clean the RV and get it ready for the restoration. I am going to update it. Inside it will look brand new inside. I am really cant wait until it finished. As soon as it’s all done I am going to go camping with it. But right now I am still trying to think of what I want to do to it. Tonight I am planning to spend the night in it. To see what more I need to do.


a said...

make sure you take pictures :)

Tweetylee said...

I agree with bethany. Cant wait to see it, but you need to take pics before restoration and after...I do live in NY so I want to see how well you do...lmao!